The obvious answer is no, however some form of new normal is resuming to the world and as such businesses are looking to a much brighter future for 2022.
Planning is an essential part of that for any Private Practice as you want to know. By the end of 2022, have I achieved the goals I set out to achieve at the beginning of the year?
At the start of each year I love taking some time out and looking at the coming months - the big picture - and deciding what I want to happen over the next 12 months. Do I need a new Practice Management System that meets my business goals better? Do I need to expand and grow my clinic further?
Only you can answer these questions so take some time out, trust me, it’ll be worth it when you keep being able to go back to your plan throughout the year to keep you on track and then at the end of the year to evaluate the success of the year as a whole!
It’s so easy to get lost in the details so always remember to keep looking at the bigger picture every now and again!
This is a really interesting one as this will all depend on how you managed through COVID and whether you were able to retain your client base. A lot of practices we’ve spoken to weren’t able to keep everyone (and that’s absolutely fine) so there is nothing wrong with going back to these clients and reestablishing that relationship you had with them.
You’re providing an exceptional service to these people and there may have been many reasons they weren’t able to continue seeing you during the pandemic (it may not necessarily have been through choice)
Reach out today!
When looking over your plan for the year there are many factors to think about. You have the obvious ones like - how to run my clinic more effectively, am I making sure my patients are happy but there are some that are just as important that may not instantly spring to mind!
Social Media - this can be a massive tool in your ‘business arsenal’ so to speak. It allows you to speak to people that ordinarily you may not reach. Effectively using # hashtags for things people
Think of your website as your ‘virtual shop front’ - somewhere you clients and potential clients can come to see what you do and how you do it!
With the ability to make a nice looking website becoming easier with systems like Wix and GoDaddy people really do form an opinion of your business based on your website.
When looking at your website there are a few things you should look at first; is everything on your website CLEAR and easy to follow? If it isn't, people will just click away. The average time people will spend on a website is ONLY 30 seconds.
That's right, 30 seconds. So the most engaging and interesting content needs to hook the user on the first page!
This question really looks at your business across all channels, social, website, print marketing, even how your actual clinic looks.
Colour schemes are super important. People tend to associate red as an ‘angry’ colour and blues and greens with medical companies. Doing a quick google search for ‘colour meanings in marketing’ can bring up some really interesting reading to make sure your logo, branding and colour scheme are subconsciously giving out the messages you want to!